It's remarkably similar when buying a home. You can go through the entire property search process to find the right home and negotiate the contract only to find out that you don't measure up "financially." It's something that no one wants to go through if they have a choice.
Regardless of what you think you know, if you're buying a home, you need to physically visit with a trusted mortgage professional before you get serious. You'll find out your credit score which will directly affect the mortgage rate you'll pay. You'll discover possible blemishes on your credit that may be able to be corrected. You'll even get a pre-approval letter that you can submit with an offer which could dramatically affect your negotiations.
Remember how some rides didn't turn out to be as good as you thought they were going to be? You certainly don't want that disappointment with a lender involving one of the biggest decisions of your life. Contact Triplett for a list of trusted mortgage professionals.
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